17 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job

career progression personal brand

Have you been contemplating whether it’s time to quit your job? You’re not alone.

Deciding to leave a job is a significant and often challenging decision. But as our founder, Ryan, outlines in our latest YouTube video, there are many reasons to consider making a change.

In this blog, we’ll dive into 17 compelling and thought-provoking questions to ask yourself and truly evaluate if it’s time for you to make a career change.



We’ve divide them into 4 categories: Work, Leadership, Recognition, and Self.

By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of whether it’s time to move on and how to approach that decision strategically.

Work-Related Reasons to Quit Your Job

1. Poor Fit with Role

Does your job drain you rather than energize you?

When the tasks related to your job don't play to your strengths, it can lead to burnout in your role and ultimately, dissatisfaction within your career.

2. Lack of Challenge

Are you lacking opportunities in your job to push your skills and grow professionally?

Drawing in monotonous work that doesn’t stimulate growth can sap your energy and may cause you to fall behind on your goals.

3. Time Drags

Do you find yourself constantly watching the clock, counting down the minutes until your shift ends?

If you’re not engrossed in your work, it’s a sign that your role may not be fulfilling.

4. Inadequate Resources and Support

Do you have the necessary tools, infrastructure, and personal investment from your boss(es) to succeed in your role?

Struggling with insufficient resources and support from your leadership can hinder your ability to perform effectively. If the organization is not invested in your success, it might be time to consider other opportunities.


Leadership-Related Reasons to Quit Your Job

5. Misalignment in Values

Do your company's direction and values align with your personal beliefs?

If they don't, the company is not a good fit for you. A misalignment in values can create ongoing tension, making it difficult to stay motivated or feel fulfilled in your role.

6. Corruption and Dishonesty

Are you noticing that corruption and dishonesty are rewarded rather than penalized in the organization?

This can lead to a tense work environment. If unethical practices are prevalent, it’s a strong indicator that you should move on.

7. Stifled Innovation

Do you feel pressured to keep your head down and avoid challenging the status quo?

This can stifle innovation. If your ideas are consistently squashed or ignored, finding a career that fosters your creativity and growth may be the right move.

8. Toxic Work Environment

Does your workplace support positive and respectful interactions among team members?

If it doesn't, you may be in a toxic atmosphere. A work environment described as "toxic" often points to numerous underlying issues, including discrimination or bullying. If the workplace atmosphere is unhealthy, it might be best to seek another setting.

9. Unreasonable Expectations

Are you consistently being given unattainable goals or being set up to fail?

This often indicates poor leadership. If you find yourself in this situation, it may be wise to consider looking for another job where the expectations are realistic and you receive the guidance and resources you need to succeed.


Recognition-Related Reasons to Quit Your Job

10. Broken Promises

Is the trust at your workplace is one-sided?

Frequently broken promises regarding compensation, promotions, or recognition erode morale. If you’re continually promised things that aren’t delivered, it’s a sign that the organization may not value you.

11. Missed Promotions

Are you being overlooked for promotions you’ve clearly earned?

Obviously, this can be disheartening. But if you’ve demonstrated readiness for advancement and continue to be passed over, it will lead to bitterness and a lack of willingness to do the work expected down the road.

12. Job Insecurity

Are your colleagues being laid off and you keep wondering if you might be next?

Don’t let the fear of being let go motivate you. Instead, start searching for a career that fulfills you.


Self-Related Reasons to Quit Your Job

13. Limited Career Advancement

When looking at your overall career, are you notching up as you go along? Are you advancing at the rate you want to advance?

If you are asking to grow and bringing forward ideas but constantly being told no and being told to get back in your lane, then it might be time for you to look elsewhere.

14. Declining Health

Is your job affecting your physical or mental health?

This is a serious issue. If you’re facing health issues related to your job, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate your situation. Consider whether it’s time to quit or if requesting a leave of absence is a viable option. Your health should be a top priority.

15. Front Door Test

Is your work emptying your tank? Are you walking through your front door with zero stamina to hang out with your spouse or children?

If you’re getting home at the end of the day and have no energy to give to your family, then you’re not passing the front door test.

16. Dinner Table Test

When you sit down at the dinner table with your family, are you consistently blowing off or being negative when they ask you how your day was?

If you're always being a Debbie Downer, you should assess your current trajectory compared to your desired goals and reevaluate your overarching career path.

17. ‘How was your day?’ Stops

If your family just outright stops asking you questions about your work day because they know the answer will be negative or because you'll become frustrated, you have lost control of that part of your life.

It’s time to be strategic and quit that job to pursue something that gives you joy and purpose.


In the end, deciding to quit your job is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.

By reflecting on these 17 key questions across work, leadership, recognition, and self, you’ll gain a clearer sense of whether it’s time to move on.

If you do decide to move on and need help with navigating next steps, check out our free training. It's a great resource outlining how personal branding, strategic visibility, and purposeful process can help you take control of your career trajectory.

Remember, a fulfilling career is one that challenges and excites you, aligns with your strengths and values, and ultimately enhances your well-being. So, take a step back, assess where you stand, and trust yourself to make the best choice for your future.

Your next career move could lead to the fulfillment and growth you’ve been craving.


Click here to watch Ryan dive into this topic further on our Youtube channel!


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