
Ryan Stoltzfus: Cracking the career code with Job Hackers Network

June 12, 2024

For over two decades, Ryan Stoltzfus checked all the conventional career boxes ā€” an MBA, professional HR certifications, and a corporate leadership role at the payroll giant ADP. But something was missing. He saw firsthand how corporate shake-ups like layoffs and reorganizations could derail even the most promising careers.

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Ryan Stoltzfus of Job Hackers Network, on Leveraging Networking and Personal Branding to Stand Out and Land Your Dream Job

May 2, 2024

"I'll never forget the moment it finally clicked for me," recalls Ryan Stoltzfus, leaning back in his chair. "I was having my dreaded '300th layoff conversation' at the HR tech giant ADP. Seeing that fear and pain in someone's eyes as you're the bearer of bad news..."

"It was in that moment that I realized there had to be a better way.

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